2016.10.27 – Ignite Church News

Wow. God has blessed us so much in one short year. Have you seen the new building? Have you seen the new counter top? Have you seen the Children’s program? Have you seen the student program? Have you seen the spiritual growth in the people of Ignite? We are overwhelmed to see what the Lord is doing and hope you are as well. Countless stories of the kiddo’s desiring to come to Church and even read their Bibles at home. God has been so good to us…

Well, it is just beginning. Check these new things out…

WE ARE CAMPING THIS FRIDAY NIGHT. Come join us even if you do not camp. We will have a big fire and some wonderful fellowship. Starts at 3pm on Friday but come when you can. We will be done by 12pm Saturday but leave when you want. Bring everything that you will need. Tent, sleeping bag, food, water… you will need to supply everything your family may need.


This Wednesday Night, we start our meal program. You do not have to rush to eat and then rush to get to Church. Just come on after work and we will have a nice meal prepared for you and then you can partake of the Word of God and get your spiritual food as well.


How about GriefShare? Are you struggling with the loss of a loved one? You want to be involved in this class!


Have you completed the New Partner Class? If so, we are delighted that you want to become a partner with Ignite Church. We will hold this special day on November 20th at 11am.


And yes, We know it is early, but we are so excited for Christmas that we just have to decorate our new, absolutely beautiful, Sanctuary. Come join us for a meal and some fun. You do not want to miss this fellowship…


And just a little more info…

We need help in the Toddler room for Sunday AM, PM and Wednesday PM. Please see Fran if you can help and pour yourself into these little one’s.

Also, parents, PLEASE drop your children under 12 off at the Children’s Center and then pick them up after class. This is for safety and security as well as being able to get all your information that is happening with the Children’s Ministry.

Well, that’s all for now. Have a great week and let’s get IGNITED and invite someone to Church this Sunday and see God work in their lives. Come ready to WORSHIP the King of kings and EXPECT Jesus to move in your life as well.


We love you and look forward to seeing you Sunday…

Ignite Church