2017.01.28 – Ignite Church Weekly Reminder

Well hello Ignite Church… 

What a wonderful time the men had on the annual Men’s Prayer Advance in Roanoke Virginia.  We learned the Word of God and hearts were changed. We are becoming better leaders at Ignite and better husbands and dads at home. Please continue to pray for us as we SEEK the Lord Jesus with all our heart.


What a Sunday it’s going to be this Sunday, January 29th. We will have Men’s Sunday at the 11am service. Please make plans to attend. You will hear from the men and be encouraged and uplifted as the Lord has certainly worked on us.


Also… This Sunday night, January 29th at 5:30pm, we will have our monthly “Family Night.” Please come out and bring your favorite meal to share and lets fellowship together as a family. The Church will provide all the drinks.


Also… This Sunday night at 6:30pm, as part of the “Family Night,” we will hold our first student “Contenders & Keepers” award ceremony. Please plan on attending this important program and support our students as they seek God.


On February 5th, we will have our first Baptism Service at the 11am service. Please be sure to come support all that are being baptized and encourage them as they step up to say, “No Turning Back” as they commit to follow Jesus. If you are interested in being baptized, please sign up at the sign up table or see Pastor Gary or Fran.


Also, there is a Baptism meeting this Sunday, January 29th after the 11am service.


All partners are encouraged to see Fran for a copy of the 2017 budget. See Pastor Gary or Fran with any questions. We will vote to approve this budget on Sunday February 5th after the 11am service.


We will have our annual Valentine’s Banquet “A Marriage 2 Die For” on February 11th. Seating is limited to 45 couples. You can sign up @ www. MyIgnite.org and click on events or sign up at the sign up table. Cost is $25 per couple. This includes a catered meal.

Pray for God to stir your heart this Sunday. We are praying for a powerful moving of the Holy Spirt as the Men share their hearts and our students get rewarded for all their hard work.

See you Sunday morning..

9:15am – Prayer
10:00am – Sunday School
11:00am – Worship – Men’s Sunday 
5:30pm – Family Night Meal
6:30pm – Contenders & Keepers Ceremony

We love you and your family and are honored “To Do Life Together,”

Ignite Church