2017.04.28 – Ignite Church Weekly Reminder

Hello Ignite Church,

We hope you have had a great week. We want to remind you of a few items that are coming up.

This Sunday night is Family Night. Bring a dish to share at 5:30pm. We will start the movie at 6 to 6:15pm. Its a great movie for the whole family.

We have suspended meals on Wednesday nights for a while to breathe and to plan. Bible studies will still start at 6:30pm.

This Wednesday Night, May 3rd, we will have with us, Daniel Rojas, our missionary form Costa Rica and Argentina as well as Dr. Larry Henderson. Service will start at 6:30pm. Please come out and support our missionaries. – We will not have a meal this Wednesday night.

Student Summer Camp – July 31st – August 4th – Please sign your student up for Summer Camp so we can get a number of how many are going. Cost is $125 for the week. This includes all food, cabin, and study material. It is a week that will change them forever. A deposit is due of $50.

There will be a VBS meeting following the May 7th, 11am worship service. See Jana for details if you would like to volunteer to help in VBS 2017. Going to be an awesome time…

Men’s meeting on Saturday, May 13th at 7:30am – Going to talk about being a man of Discipline. And all the women said, Amen…

There will be a young girls “Tea Party” held on June 13th at the Church. More details to follow. This is for grades 1 – 6.

The 2017 Pastor’s Class starts on June 20th @ 9am. We will feed the students lunch each week. The class is over at 12pm. We have many exciting trips planed. They do not want to miss the class. 

VBS starts on Sunday, July 16 and runs through July 19. We need many volunteers to help make this year another success. Meeting for volunteers is on May 7th. See Above.

Have a great weekend and Please make every effort to be at Church to encourage each other this Sunday…

Ignite Church