2017.07.21 – Ignite Church Weekly Reminder

Hello Ignite Church. We are looking forward to a wonderful weekend. We have had a powerful week of VBS where we had at least 11 children to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Praise God. You, that’s right, you, by your faithful giving, support, service, and prayers, will one day receive a crown in Heaven for being a part of bringing these young one’s to Jesus. So we, the staff and workers of VBS, say a BIG thank you for serving Jesus by serving others. 

Now, on to the weekend…

Please remember that tomorrow, Saturday, July 22, 2017, we are having a church clean up and repair day. Please be at the Church at 8am. We need plumbers, electricians, cleaners, shelf assemblers, organizers, general maintenance, floors vacuumed, floors moped, bathrooms deep cleaned, and much more. “Many hands make lite work.” We will need hand tools, drills, pruners for dead tree limbs, and YOU… Please come out and fellowship and lets get as much done as possible. Lunch will be served for free. All work will be done by 12 or 1.

This Sunday, we are back to regular schedule. 
9:15am – Prayer Service
10:00am – Sunday School
11:00am – Worship – Children’s Sunday 
6:00pm – Student and Children Ministries
6:15pm – Adult Ministries

Notice that at 11am – Our Children will be leading us in worship and singing their VBS songs. We will have a special Children’s moment, as well as interviewing them as to how they enjoyed VBS. And of course we will have the Word expounded.

Please come support our Children and their desire to grow in the Lord. Please invite a neighbor or coworker to come experience all that Jesus is doing in the lives of our children as well as ourselves.

Thanks for making a difference,

The Ignite Church