2017.12.09 – Ignite Bible Fellowship News

Just a couple of quick reminders…

Prayer Requests
Loretta Braswell and her family –  as her Grandmother passed this week.
Jana Branscome, Jimmy Marler and Dickie Braswell – as they continue to recover form Shoulder Surgery.
Shawn Williams – as his dad recovers from triple bypass and is home

Please be careful driving to Church tomorrow. There is still construction going on. 

Children and Youth Christmas Special is tomorrow night, December 10th at 6:00pm – We will have a party afterwards…

We will continue our Dr. Dino series for the next couple of Wednesday nights. This has been very eye opening to us all. Please plan to attend. The video starts at 6:30pm.

Sunday, December 17 @ 6pm, we will view a teaching video called “The Christmas Experience” at 6pm.

We will hold our annual “New Years Eve” Celebration and family party on December 31 starting at 5:30pm. This is going to be so much fun you do not want to miss it.

Now on into January. On January 7th we will concentrate on getting as many to Sunday School as possible. Please encourage visitors to come join us. 2018 is the year that Ignite Bible Fellowship concentrates on building the Sunday School Program. This is where we disciple and fellowship. Be sure that 2018 is a year that you and your family make Sunday School a top priority.

On Saturday, January 13, from 7am to 1pm, we will do a local mission outreach to our community and serve them free meals. We need everyone to plan on being here to help. Lets not forget that Jesus has called us to reach this community with the Gospel and to love our neighbors as ourselves. 

We have some awesome opportunities to participate in as a Church and to love and encourage each other. Pray now that the Lord would guide you to be a part of it all. That is BEING the Church.

We love you all and look forward to spending this Christmas with all of you. 

Your Ignite Staff