2017.08.31 – Ignite Church Weekly Reminder

Hello Ignite Church Family,

Here are a few announcements for upcoming events and happenings at Ignite Church.

Prayer… Please prayerfully consider donating to our Texas, Hurricane Relief Fund. Please mark all donation’s as Texas Hurricane Relief.

We are starting Wednesday Night Meals back on September 13th from 5:30pm to 6:15pm. No meals will be served after 6:15pm so our cooks and cleaners can get ready for their classes. Cost will be $4 per person and Children 3 and under will eat a Child’s plate for free.

New Fall Sunday Night Studies have arrived. Come out and see what Ignite has to offer for the Fall of 2017. We will have a Fall Kick Off on September 27th @ 6:30pm. Come hear all about the new studies.

We are so excited to announce that Dr. Larry Henderson will be here with us for our 2 year Celebration. Come join the fun and fellowship on September 24th @ 10am for a Special Sunday School, then at 11am for a Special Celebration followed by a delicious meal. There is no cost to you for this event. Praise the Lord… Also, NO PM that evening.

Please be in prayer about what the Lord would have you to give to Mission’s this upcoming year. You can’t out give God.

We love each and every one of you very much. Please be safe for Labor Day if you are traveling. Hope to see each of you this Sunday ready to Worship King Jesus.

Ignite Church